


Find Ourselves 

The unknown is strangely terrifying, 
we do not have the slightest idea of what it may be, 
that is why it burrows deep into our thoughts and rests in the back of our minds. 
The unknown clouds our minds like a thunderstorm, 
this is what drives our fears. 
However, we cannot let ourselves succumb to darkness, 
we control the light to our lives. 
The unknown is merely a thought of our own creation, 
we construct our own fears, 
but really the truth is that there is no such thing as fear. 
We live in fear because we deceive our simple yet complex minds. 
Stop living your life as a lie, 
control your own destiny. 

(Free Verse) 
Good Morning ... ?

It was a cold, gloomy spring morning, 
Dogs barking from the side walks enjoying their early morning walks, 
Meanwhile my dog is enjoying her beauty sleep, 
The faucet have been broken for a month but the landlord is too lazy, 
The sound of water drip dropping accompanies me every night, 
It was windy last night, the window was wide open, 
And then suddenly BOOM
The bathroom door slams shut with a fierce push of the strong wind, 
The dog jumped out of her bed and began to bark endlessly, 
It was not a pleasant night of sleep, 
Which makes this early morning feel even worse. 

(Narrative Poem) 

The End 

Life is strange and peculiar.
One moment, we are sad. 
But the next, our emotions flip upside down. 
Sometimes, life ends up in an endless ditch that you could never imagine digging out of,
but five months later, you could barley recall the reason. 
Our minds play tricks on us. Exaggerate the negatives. The end solution is always simple. 
But we can't hate on life too much, we still try to get the best out of it, because in the end, 
we would still have to live with it. 
The idea of ending everything is too much of an unknown for us to take the chance. 

(Free Verse) 

Glistening water 

Sound of the fast growing tide 

Putting me to sleep 


Inability to adjust to society 

   Face hard as porcelain

Keep Quiet      the rules we play by

Feel Safe         manipulating the controls 

At night   flying away    therapeutic community 

In a daze          foggy                 jumbled blur 

Breaking the surface after being under water a hundred years

(Found Poem) - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey 
The Pass Never Disappear  

When the cherry blossoms bloom, 
Petals flutter in the wind. 
The only thing on my mind,
Was that day in your room.
The sky was gloom, 
your crystal fairy lights shined.
I know you were just too kind, 
his heart was ruthless and cold, be belonged in a tomb. 

Tears running down your face for the guy that broke your heart twice,
I've been here by your side each time. 
You're too good for this dark society.
He made your heart cold as ice, 
It was an act of crime. 
All this reminiscence from ten years ago is beginning to give me anxiety. 

What is Human Interaction ? 

Our electric screens, 

Do we need companionship? 

We will die alone 


Sky melting into the horizon, 
Red, yellow, orange and blue. 
Toes digging deep into the cold, damp sand, 
Finding a place to belong.
Isn't that what we all want, 
to belong,
to belong to 
The need to be needed, 
or else, what is the purpose of living. 
We want to love and be love, 
is there anything else to life? 

(Free Verse) 


Hands radiate heat hovering over my skin, stating their presence. Sending shivers down my spine. Slightest breeze behind my ear triggers every strand of hair to rise. Faint whispers have the ability to grab all my attention. Arms weak and heavy, gravity takes control. Blood rushing to the fingertips, heightening my senses. Every touch, I feel so much. The hidden softness of everything.  


X: It looks like you are in trouble. Can I help?
O: It's nothing, life has just been rough.
X: What happened? You can talk to me about it, everything is between us. We have some time before lunch is over. 
O: My parents are stressing me out. My mom and dad are constantly arguing. Apparently my dad has been cheating with multiple people.
X: Oh-my-god, thats horrible, is your mom ok?
O: She's staying strong, I know she wants to leave him, but she isn't financially dependent. I can't imagine how sad she is right now, the feeling of wanting to get away from him, but physically can't. 
X: Has your dad apologized or anything? 
O: I don't think so, he doesn't see himself in the wrong, he provides for all of us and I guess that makes him feel like he has total control over mom and the family. He can do what ever he wants. How is she going to stick by his side and just watch this keep happening? 
X: Even though adults "know everything", they still make wrong decisions. Try not to be too bothered with your parent's business, since they are grown ups, they should know the right ways to resolve conflicts. Don't let it burden you. Theres nothing you can do about it anyways.
O: Yea, I guess I shouldn't let it get to me. 
X: Now, how are you and your boyfriend?! How long has it been now?
O: Oh hahah, we are good, it's our one year anniversary next month. Just so happy to have him by my side all this time. 
X: Good, it's good to have someone in your corner all the time. I wish I could meet that someone. 
O: Don't worry, if they are meant to come into your life, they will one day. Can't rush it. 
X: Oh look, time passed by so fast, what class do you have next?
O: I have choir, you have math right?
X: Yea, alright lets split and get to class so we won't be late.
O: It's nice talking to you, thanks for listening to my rant. We should hangout more!
X: No problem haha, always here if you need to vent. Yea, we should I'll message you. 


She is a waste of space, her existence is poisonous to everyone around her. She is never going to change, this is just who she is. Dragging her future into the dump with her. She will never be "someone". Her life is going to be trash so why waste money and energy on her. Her existence is hopeless. She is a burden to everyone in her life. Why would anyone like her. How does she even have friends? She brings nothing but trouble to the table, how does people have the patience to deal with her. Eventually everyone will be sick of her. Her happiness will not last, she will be miserable for the rest of her life. She is reminded of this everyday of her life, why haven't she changed already. She is never going to change for the better, there is no hope left. She is an embarrassment.
I look out on life with a positive perspective. Everyone is a friend until they have wronged me. I am learning to adjust in the process. Not all life lessons are learned at once. I am genuine to everyone, but that makes me a target for other people to take advantage. Everyone has their flaws, but that does not define the person to me. Am I a good person? I think there is more to a person then evaluating how successful they are but that is irrelevant in the real world, because success is all that matters, money and power defines you.
Under Your Bed - Home of the Creepy Crawlies 
Crouches, organisms that live under your bed. They feed on objects, things that people once owned, needed, loved but now forgotten and lost. At the dawn of day, they retreat back to their nest along with all the things they've collected through out the night. Crouches scavenge through the home, bringing back to their nest, everything that is taken for granted.  I would wakeup to an empty house. 



Love of my life,
Back at home, 
Missing her essence, 
Every second I'm here.
Is she okay?

On this island,
Kingdom of men, 
Survival of the fittest.
Where is rescue,
Am I going to die here? 

Leader of my men, 
Not as easy as it seems.
Not a day go by, 
I wish I wasn't by your side, 
Back at the cottage where we will live our lives. 

The fire is the only hope, 
It needs to keep burning.
Why don't they listen.
I am the chief, 
Conch in my hands.  



It was all a blur.
My head hurts.
What happened to us ?
We are alone. 

We've taken over the island.
We've become savages.
What is law and order?
We are animals. 

I thirst for blood.

Blood of a pig.
Track them down and kill.
We are animals. 

I belong here.
This is my island.
We are animals.

Society is remade.

New rules estbaslished. 
This is the way.
The way we live,
reinstate the old ages.


~creation in process~


Are you "happy"
That smile you hide behind 
Life isn't suppose to be easy